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How to start using Gmail for phone call?
Gmail takes care of your
requirements and hence, it comes with a calling feature. Yes, you can make
calls using Gmail. With a couple of easy and quick adjustments, you easily can
use Google Voice to make and receive phone calls from Gmail rather than visiting
the Google Voice website. All you need to do is to have a computer with a
microphone functioning.
We are here with the exact steps to start
calling a phone call using Gmail. Follow the below-given
steps to make phone calls by using desktop or web versions of Google Voice.
Read this guide carefully as we have mentioned some updates and changes made
from Google’s end.
Quick ways call someone from Gmail
There are three Google services that integrate together to make
this work possible. You have to follow the steps given below to make a phone
call to any number from the Gmail account page.
You have to install the Google Video Support plugin and Hangouts
is the free chat of Google Instant Messaging and video chat app. If it is
installed, the Hangouts window will appear below the email folders list.
• Firstly, choose to Make a phone call or the phone icon appears
in the lower-right corner of the Gmail
• If the person is in your contact list that you want to call then, you will
need to hover over the contact and then, choose the Phone icon. The phone call
starts quickly
• If the number is not in your contacts list, you have to enter the phone
number in the Name, Phone number text box and after that, press Enter the phone
icon that appears next to the number. The phone call starts quickly
• If the number is in a different country then, you have to choose the flag
icon and then, select the appropriate country. The proper country code is
attacked to the number automatically
• After that, press Hang-Up to end the call and you are all set
• Receive a Phone Call from Gmail Interface
A call to the Google Voice number causes a ring notification to
sound on your PC. If you have the Hangouts plugin, you don’t have to leave
Gmail to answer the call. You have to press the Answer to Pick up the call. You
also can choose Screen to send the call to voicemail, choose Join to answer the
call when you know the caller or you have to choose to Ignore to end the alert
and the call.
Google Voice Working
Google Voice uses an Internet Connection to make calls and using
Google Voice via Gmail doesn’t have the capability to call an email address and
it includes two different communication media. Using Google Voice from Gmail
provides a convenient way to access the Google Voice from the Gmail interface.
Start a Video Call
through Hangouts
When you are ready to make your first video or voice call
• First of all, go to the Hangouts page or to the sidebar in the
Gmail account
• Click on the name of a person in the contacts list and then, click on the
additional names to start a group video call
• After that, click on the video camera icon and you are all set to enjoy a
video call
• When you are done then, click on the End call icon that looks just like a
hang-up telephone receiver
Text and Voice
Text chatting is the default in Gmail or Hangouts. You have to
choose the name of a person who appears in the left panel to open a chat window
that works just like any other chat window. To make a voice call instead of a
text, you have to choose a person’s name in the contacts list in the left panel
and then, you have to click on the upright phone receiver to start the call.
You can call on Gmail Helpline UK to get in touch with the
experts for any assistance.
Well, Google is shutting down Hangouts sometime in 2021 and
replacing it with Google Chat. Hangouts users who have updated to Chat can
migrate their conversations automatically along with the saved history and
contacts. Technical experts have knowledge of all new updates and
calling-related features of Gmail so they will assist you in order to make
calls using Gmail and many more.
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